Wild Type – Interactive Web Logograms

Wild Typography – Interactive Web Logograms

The course Wild Type – Typography Ex Natura was given as an elective in my first semester of M.Sc. Human-Computer Interaction. The course, offered by Media Art and Design, gave insights into the construction of fonts outside of just graphics, svg and ttf editors. Abstract representations, generative and programmable fonts were among the topics discussed and explored. Processing was used to complete most of the assignments during the semester.

For the final assignment we were allowed to each individually create a language or font system. I created the logogram system “Geks”, which was a continuation of one of the earlier Wild Type projects. The interactive webpage can be found here with more details in the menu:


NOTE: As of writing, this site does not work fully in Firefox, as it uses a drag and drop function not supported by Firefox.

Wild Type – Geks

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