Magnet Stylus Android App

Magnet Stylus Android App

Mobile Information Systems – Magnetic Stylus Android app

During the Mobile Informations Systems course of the M.Sc. Human-Computer Interaction program, various Android applications were built to explore the different aspects of mobile communication, data retrieval and visualisation.

For the final project our teams of two people were asked to remake a mobile application from an academic paper. The resulting application can be seen below and is using an neodymium magnet.

FYP – Lifeguard Examination Application

Bachelors Thesis – Lifeguard Examination App Design

Team Size: 1 (me)

Type of Project: UI Design / UX Research for Education

Timeline: 8 months (Final Year of Bachelors thesis)

As part of my Final Year Project I created an Android application that could be used during the Pool Lifeguard Exams. The application can be used by the examiners for marking the students, and the participants can review life-saving techniques.

The key benefit from the design and development of this application would be the digitalisation of the laborious and inefficient manual examination process. Calculations and filtering help to expedite the process and with the addition of features like the double stopwatch, additional user benefit is added.

The following screenshots show the key screens and functionality of the application.


Twice During development I involved close friends, colleagues and family in the testing of the application. I conducted several guided user tests to validate the user flow and usability of the interface.


The Android application was coded within the Eclipse IDE using the Java and XML programming languages. A MySQL database was created and separate PHP files allowed the database to communicate with the Android application. The information read by the Android application was parsed as JSON.

Final Notes:

I like to think that I made this project through the process of “patchwork programming” (or to a certain extent agile development). By following tutorials and videos I was able to build my very first *proper* Android application. The two most useful were MyBringBack and AndroidHive.

StackOverflow was also a very useful resource.

Intermediate Android Development

Intermediate Android Development

Below are some further examples of my work with Android Development. The Intermediate tutorial series at included information about communicating XAMPP, PHP and phpMyAdmin with a newly developed Android application.

Communicating between classes

Communicating between classes

Create a journal entry

Create a journal entry

Keeping a piece of text saved within the application

Keeping a piece of text saved within the application

phpMyAdmin database

phpMyAdmin database with comments stored

Posting a comment

After registering to the database or logging in, you could post a comment using the application.