Work Experience – Hungry Bungry Promotional Video 2

Work Experience – Hungry Bungry Promotional Video 2

This video showcased how the business owner could benefit from using Hungry Bungry. The video was fully edited using Final Cut Pro X, but was not posted online because the website shown during the video was still being worked on. An animation at the beginning was made using Adobe After Effects. Icons were made in Adobe Illustrator

Animation sample image

Animation sample











video sample image

Video sample











icon video image

Use of icons in the video

Work Experience – Hungry Bungry Promotional Video 1

Work Experience – Hungry Bungry Promotional Video 1

This video was created to show potential customers  how they could order food online using Hungry Bungry. The video was partially filmed on the University of Limerick campus. Screen capture was done to show the features of the website. A small animation was done using After Effects. Video and sound was edited in Final Cut Pro X. Camera was Samsung ST200F.