Evaluating Experience around Public Interfaces

Evaluating Experience around Public Interfaces

This was the second semester project and involved the creation and evaluation of an interactive public interface. The interface could be controlled using a person’s movement. The project was led by two students and one Research Associate from the Urban HCI Lab. Two quantitative studies were completed with 60 people.

The final version made use of Processing, a gesture control program made by Wout Standaert and a projector. Images and the summary poster PDF can be found below.


Early version

System overview

Leaflet for advertising the user study

The Investigators Project

The Investigators Project

This project was part of my M.Sc in Human-Computer Interaction and took place between April – September 2016. The project was worked on by more than 15 people, 10 of which were students from Computer Science and Media Architecture. Two workshops were completed with the artist Krzysztof Wodiczko in preparation for the final event. The project was included as part of the Kunstfest Weimar event.

One of my main responsibilities in the project was managing and reconfiguring the WordPress website and writing content. Most of the processes and events have already been documented on the website which cn be found at:


Explanation of the installation

Product Communication – Year 3 (Semester 2)

Product Communication – Year 3 (Semester 2)

Below are the final compositions of project 3 for the Design Visualisation module. The objective here was to photograph various design aspects of the product using photography, as well as present them as if they were in a product/tech magazine. Photos were edited slightly in Photoshop. The overall layout was done in Adobe InDesign.

