Cinestar Usability Prototype & Evaluation

Cinestar Usability Prototype & Evaluation

As part of the Usability Testing course of my Master’s degree we were asked to analyse a website we felt was not very usable, built iterative prototypes and subsequently do a quantitative usability evaluation.

Our team for the project chose the website. The first part of the course was analyzing the chosen Cinestar website including picking out violations of Norman’s Usability Principles. Personas were created to explore the potential variety of users of the system.

Persona for cinestar website

Next was requirements analysis, building of two low-fidelity prototypes and then quantitative analysis. Two low fidelity prototypes were made using, each one created by one half of the team.

One Low Fidelity Prototype

To close off the course a mid-fidelity prototype was made and then analysed with users. The mouseflow Javascript library was used to gather visual data on how the user traveled through the website, how long they took and what were the most viewed and clicked sections.

Homepage Mid-Fidelity

Movie info Mid-Fidelity

Ticket purchase Mid-Fidelity

Mouseflow analysis Mid-Fidelity