Industrial Design 2 – First Year (Semester 2)

Industrial Design 2 – First Year (Semester 2)


The purpose of this module was to practice design techniques, gain practical experience in representing our own designs on a page aswell as developing our presentation skills. This was done via classes and project work which had to be collated and reviewed at the end of each project aswell as the end of the year.


Rendering and sketching allows for detailed representations of concepts. It can help to show a products shape, texture and material without the need for a finished model. Storyboarding was also practiced during these classes.

Rendering example

Comparison between a real product and an in-progress render.

Project Work

1) Festival Chair

The objective of this project was to create a chair out of cardboard that could be used at a music festival. It invloves the processes of research, concept generation, development and detailing.


Concept Sketches


Prototype model of final design (final model was larger and functioned as a chair)

2) Coffee To Go

The objective of this project was to develop an easier/hassle-free way for a person to purchase a coffee. The processes were roughly the same as those outlined above. The final result, entitled ‘Smart Tray’, is displayed below. It allowed the user to pay for their food in advance of the till aswell as carry heavy items.


Smart Tray

3) Product Autopsy

The objective of this project was to take apart an existing product and take account of each part on a manifest.


UPDATE: Recently I attempted to reproduce a concept drawing using a digital notepad/ graphics tablet. The result is below.

Foundations Of Interaction Design – First Year (Semester 2)

Foundations Of Interaction Design – First Year (Semester 2)


This module introduced some basic Interation Design (IxD) concepts. This included a description of the IxD process which is split into different phases, which are: the ‘Understand Phase’, the ‘Design Phase’ and the ‘Prototype Phase’. Throughout the year these steps were followed, where the aim was to simulate the practice of an actual IxD project, with the exception of a working interactive installation. The topic of the project was ‘Environmental Awareness On The Campus‘.

IxD Process

By using diagrams, keywords and brainstorming, problems with environmental awareness were identified and a topic was chosen for our team. We decided on ‘power consumption on campus’. In order to understand the topic we used IDEO cards. These cards outlined:

  • The use of secondary research
  • Surveying and behaviour tracking methods
  • The importance of first hand evidence (i.e. Photos, Videos)

During the ‘Design Phase’ the IDEO ‘Try’ cards were used. Narratives and storyboards were then made to conceptualize our imagined interactive installations.

Finally, a paper prototype was constructed and filmed. This video, entitled: ‘Battery Hunt’ was then edited and put online.