IoT Design – Masters Thesis

IoT Design – Masters Thesis

My Master’s thesis involved the creation of an Internet of Things interface, which I entitled “HomeNodes”. The HomeNodes interface was projected on to to objects. Users could connect objects together using a touch enabled wall interface and by tapping their smartphone on different objects.

The following is a short summary of my project:

  1.  Conduct low-fidelity prototyping sessions with users to explore the IoT design space.
  2. Research existing interactive systems
  3. Construct a prototype
  4. Test with users and use observation and video analysis
  5. Build a list of topics from this analysis that outlines the important design considerations and feedback for my IoT interface.

Video of the system in action:

The following images are version 1 and 2 of my systems. The green elements in the second image are technologies that I added to make the system more scalable. The thesis can be read and downloaded in full at this link. The code will be available on my GitHub.

Version 1


Final System (HomeNodes)

Evaluating Experience around Public Interfaces

Evaluating Experience around Public Interfaces

This was the second semester project and involved the creation and evaluation of an interactive public interface. The interface could be controlled using a person’s movement. The project was led by two students and one Research Associate from the Urban HCI Lab. Two quantitative studies were completed with 60 people.

The final version made use of Processing, a gesture control program made by Wout Standaert and a projector. Images and the summary poster PDF can be found below.


Early version

System overview

Leaflet for advertising the user study

Wild Type – Interactive Web Logograms

Wild Typography – Interactive Web Logograms

The course Wild Type – Typography Ex Natura was given as an elective in my first semester of M.Sc. Human-Computer Interaction. The course, offered by Media Art and Design, gave insights into the construction of fonts outside of just graphics, svg and ttf editors. Abstract representations, generative and programmable fonts were among the topics discussed and explored. Processing was used to complete most of the assignments during the semester.

For the final assignment we were allowed to each individually create a language or font system. I created the logogram system “Geks”, which was a continuation of one of the earlier Wild Type projects. The interactive webpage can be found here with more details in the menu:

NOTE: As of writing, this site does not work fully in Firefox, as it uses a drag and drop function not supported by Firefox.

Wild Type – Geks

Interactive Multimedia – Year 3 (Semester 2)

Interactive Multimedia – Year 3 (Semester 2)

The Interactive Multimedia module included a project that required us to add functionality to a program using Processing. The program was able to sketch coloured lines on the screen. Once the user pressed play the lines would emit a tone. The main functions added were:

  • Help menu
  • GUI (see picture)
  • Line colour indicator (orange box under GUI)
  • Undo/Redo function
  • Limited volume control

These functions could be accessed using either the GUI or keyboard keys. Below are some example screenshots.

processing lines

Different coloured lines correspond to different tones


Sample of code in Processing